可能性を引き出す教育 Education to draw out possibility

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 以上から,可能性を拡げるきっかけは,学習への礎を築く「人間性教育」,学び方を身につける「経験学習」,個人の能力を高める「社会的構成学習」の3つの実践がベースにあったのです。学習理論の観点から,たしかにこれらは『効率よく学ぶ自立した学習者』を育てるためには欠くことのできない要素だといえるでしょう。これらを適切な順序でバランスよく与えてくれた先生にはあらためて感謝しています。そして,私が受け持っている生徒のみなさんにもすばらしい飛躍のきっかけをもたらせるように教育のスキルと教育者としての精神を受け継いでいきたいと考えています。 (2,117字)

綾部 宏明 (アチーブ進学会 / 京都大学)

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ENGLISH VERSION  ( You can read this essay in 5 minutes. )

Education to draw out possibility

When in elementary school, I was a spoiled brat. Not doing my homework, and accompanied by bad companies, I played outside every day. Of course, my performance was almost the lowest in the class. However, I supervise the learning of my students. It couldn’t be imagined. What caused such a big change? I believe it was thanks to the guidance of a woman teacher when I was the sixth grader. In this paper, I look back on the nearly 35 years ago, to verify the education she gave me in the context of the learning theory.

First, the teacher started the guidance of my emotional stability and cooperation. Adults were the enemy for me. My mother was the boss. So she won my mother over to her side. She made home visits and interviews to my mother. So, the relationship between my mother and her went gradually strengthened. Then, she gave counsel me many times. She always kept listening to me throughout, and encouraged me at the end and said, "Make effort, and you can do well. You are never a bad child.” (Identify cause, trust, motivation, listening)

In addition, I didn’t relate with honor students. So, shocking intervention was made, which happened in the school trip. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring my lunch. I asked her to let me buy lunch at a nearby shop. But, she didn’t admit it. On the contrary, of all things, she told honor students the reason, and made them dispense lunch for me. I felt very unpleasant, but I accepted her persuasion. I thanked each and every dispenser. I can’t forget even now the taste of the lunch filled with their friendship. Since then, I could coordinate with every classmate honestly (Friendship, Humanistic education).

Then she began to activate fundamental skill, such as kanji and calculation. She created a bar graph going by pasting seals in accordance with home learning, and repeated to praise good students, and to encourage non-good students. Not pasting any seal, I received a special support after school (Concrete experience). I gradually got in the habit of learning. Then, I continued to learn because I wanted the seal. A new problem, however, occurred. I could solve the problem in the workbook, but I couldn’t take a good score in the widely ranged test. I was in trouble (Reflective observation). So she gave me advice to take advantage of understanding rather than rote memorization, organizing what had been already learned, devising calculations, and using learning strategies (Abstract conceptualization). As I worked on it many times, I gradually mastered the learning method. My learning attitude changed from just solving problems as work to being conscious to be good at studying (Active experimentation). This let me regain the "lost five years" rapidly (Kolb’s Experiential learning cycle).

Finally, she began the individual learning. All the students were divided into groups of four by their academic ability. We were supposed to select problems and solve in each group (Levin’s Group learning). At this time, I belonged to the highest-level group, so we courageously selected the difficult problems that require deep thought. They caused confusion (Cognitive dissonance). Though we discussed among members, they weren’t quite solvable. When we stagnated, the teacher gave corresponding support, and we finally reached the correct answer in our own (Meta cognition, Autonomous support). In addition, there was one more feature in this class. The homework was “exploring learning”. I had been longing for higher learning content, so I challenged "index" and "logarithm" that had been broadcasted on NHK. A small number attached to the shoulder of a number and the notation called "log" were very mysterious to me. That might not be deep understanding, but my intellectual curiosity was greatly aroused. There was the very prototype of “active learning.” The mechanism for the autonomy under the self-responsibility had been hidden (Constructivist education).

From the above, opportunity to expand the possibility were based on three practices, "Humanistic education" to build a foundation of learning, "experiential learning theory" to learn how to learn, and "constructivist education theory" to enhance the individual's ability. From the point of view of learning theory, indeed, these would be elements essential to educate the "effective and autonomous learners". I'm grateful to the teacher once again for giving me well balanced education in the appropriate order. And, I hope I will carry on the educational skills and the spirit as an educator and give an opportunity for every student to leap into the future. (747 words)

Hiroaki AYABE

( Achieve Private School / Kyoto University )


可能性を引き出す教育 Education to draw out possibility
Excerpt: ▼▼ ENGLISH Version in the lower ▼▼
Weblog: もっと!アチーブ! [学習塾] 岐阜市柳津
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Excerpt: たくさんの皆さまにお越しいただきありがとうございました。
Weblog: もっと!アチーブ! [学習塾] 岐阜市柳津
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